Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A New LifeStyle, is it for me?

Have you ever heard, found, or been told something that just "RANG" true to you?

Found yourself, searching and looking at these things going WOW, there is a lot of info out there. Thousands of people are doing this...

I felt this way, am still feeling this way.

My close friend Meg, told me about this Diet/Lifestyle called Paleo or it's nickname, "The Caveman Diet".. If you can hunt for it, forage it, pick it, like the Paleolithic man, then you can eat it. OK WEIRD, is what I thought at first.. They are freaking NUTS.

Of course as soon as we stopped texting, I turned to the computer, and GOOGLE'd it.. Holy Cow!! The hits I got about this. I was stunned. There are a bunch of different "schools" of thoughts, but ultimately, all natural, lean meats, no sugars, no grains, no dairy (except butter).

Well lets look at that for a min... Having lived with Meg for 4 years, I learned how to cook Gluten-Free,  as well as started using Kosher Salt & Sea Salt. Having family and many friends who are Diabetic, I am sugar conscious.. I personally don't use much milk, except for cheese(Food Out), milk chocolate, and ice cream occasionally.

So that left me thinking how far off am I from being Paleo? I have to add Veggies, OMG lots of fresh fruits and veggies to my diet. I don't mean calorie count diet, just to what my body consumes type diet. That can be expensive, which is one of the reason I don't do much in the first place. I don't have a car, so I can't shop every few days to keep fresh in the house. Lastly I am picky, not very experimental when it comes to Fruits and Veggies. I like what I like. LOL

So that was the first issue.

Next I am a STARCH Queen!!! I love my Pasta, potatoes and my rice. How was I going to go without that? It's cheap, easy to fix, and FILLING!!! HOLY MOLY, I am gonna die...

First thing I decided was is this REALLY something I wanted to try? Was I ready to change things in my life? Were my reasons enough to sustain me through the rough patches?

I am a food lover. Not to be mistaken for a Foodee. I enjoy my food, I like knowing that I can eat whatever I want, whenever I want, and not a single person can tell me WTF about it. I like to cook, I am a great cook too. I like cooking for people. How was this going to affect all this?

Then I realized that if I was eating healthier, and cooked in this manner, with all these ingredients, there isn't a single person I know that COULDN'T eat my cooking/baking. Oh alright.. That is interesting. I like that idea. I hated bringing goodies, that my gluten-free friends couldn't eat, or my Diabetic friends could literally only "lick"...

Second thing I did, I cleaned my pantry and my fridge out. Yup, I gave away all my Pasta, I looked at labels. Got rid of every sugar, dairy, Gluten item in my house. If I could give it away, I did. Otherwise I trashed it. By Ash Weds (A week now) I had nothing left in my home that wasn't edible on Paleo. I literally had nothing in my house, but meat and salad.. LOL

I look forward to finding good deals, and shopping come Pay Day. There are so many natural options open to me, to replace things I might "feel like I am missing".. I can't wait to dive in and try things. Shopping new stores, plus visiting old ones I haven't seen since Meg left.

I have book marked and printed Paleo recipes. Built lists of pantry items to have on hand. I am ready for this change. I will let you know how things go on this journey of mine. I just have to say, I know my body, I veer towards many of these ideas anyways. It hasn't been that hard, once I am able to have the food on hand that I can eat and not be hungry, I know I can do this. ;-)

Kit Cat

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