Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Decision Day...

Today's post is going to be a bit personal. A testimonial if you will.

I know I have talked a blue streak about how awesome Paleo is, who I think is amazing, blah, blah, blah...

But guess what, I also live in the same world as you do. I have real world issues and problems. Those of you who have read my blog, or who know me in the real world already know this about me, so it's a refresher. I was diagnosed with Border Line Personality Disorder, Depression, and Bi-Polar Disorder about 5 years ago. It took awhile but I have found a medical combination to treat and balance my Chemical Imbalance, so that I generally function alright. I have triggers and bad days but who doesn't right?

So I started Paleo a little over a year ago. I was off wheat for over a year, I didn't know that my body had changed so much. I knew I had lost weight, my clothes didn't fit. I could run after a bus without having a coronary, that was the coolest thing. I was sleeping better.

I have made comments in other posts about our bodies not having Gas. (Did you know Farting isn't something we HAVE TO DO?) It's a way our bodies tell us that we are eating something we shouldn't be. I think this one fact is so absolutely interesting, because the first thing that happens to me when I start shoving wheat products in my face, is yucky tummy and then GAS...

The fact that after eating wheat and dairy, I can't breathe through my nose, because it becomes itchy, runny, and I sneeze often, is a sign that I shouldn't be eating those things. Not that I am "allergic" but that my body can't process and digest it, nor should it have to try.

Stress sucks. I think it is the number one killer of all humanities resolutions.. Just sayin'

I had been saving for a "Stay-cation" which is happening in 2 weeks. One thing after another has been happening to deter funds from going to the savings nest. However, I haven't had the funds to help me eat correctly either. So basically since my Scooter was stolen, I have fallen into the trap of eating crap. I can't afford anything, so I have eaten all the cheap crap I can get my hands on, which all has wheat in it.

Guess what folks...

I am at the end of my rope...

I feel like Shit. I am done feeling like shit. I haven't had a good night sleep in a while, nor has my stomach felt normal in a long time. It always feels bloated. I have had a headache all day. Nothing has seemed to help. I have spent most of my days the last two weeks slowly devolving into a pit of despair. I hate it. Even though I take my meds, I can still feel that feeling of helplessness, and hopelessness start to take over, then it gets pushed aside by, I don't care/give a F*%K. Not a healthy way to live...

So I decided today, to change it.

Two things I decided.

After my stay-cation, I will be saving up for a mini-deep freezer to store these great meat packs from 'The Butcher Block".

Secondly. I went straight after work to buy "REAL" food. Spent the last of what I had saved for my Stay-Cation, but bought Meat and Eggs. I had frozen Broccoli in the Freezer. I craved some O.J. for some reason, if you know me, I don't like it, but got my Liquid Vitamin C. I am finally for the first time in WEEKS full, on protein and vegetables. BUT ABSOLUTELY NO WHEAT.

I am taking back my life. My body. I am going to do some research I may even stop my medication eventually. But I want all of me to be healthy. I know that means I need to also get off my ass and work out, Shut up. 70% Diet, 30% exercise. Let me get my diet (that which I put in my body) down first. Then we can tackle the other 30%.

Anyways. As I have said in other posts, I have never in all my FAT life found something that I endorse proudly, like I do Paleo. I have been to Weight Watchers, counted calories, points. I have done Nutri-Systems. That food was nasty and expensive. I have done the gym thing. OA meetings. I have found nothing that I was successful with ON MY OWN, other than Paleo. It is easy.

The hardest thing to do, is read your labels. Actual if it has a label, it probably isn't Paleo. ;-)

I would love to have more people learn about this amazing Life Style, and listen to their bodies more. I think so many more people would begin to feel better almost overnight.


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