Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Staying Motivated, Never know who you will inspire!

Hi Guys,

Life gets super busy sometimes, with all the things that I do, and ways that I split things up, I don't get here often enough. I apologize.

Recently I went on working sta-cation, and after having "mostly" followed the Paleo Lifestyle, I apparently stunned many people. Friends I hadn't seen, wondered where the rest of me had gone. They thought I looked amazing.

In my mind, I haven't done much, gone down a few clothes sizes, and I still have so many healthy eating habits to incorporate, I feel I have much to do still. So in my mind, I am not a "Good Pale-ian" (is that a word? If Not I just made it up and it is now).

I started down this path, in February of this year (2012) not to lose weight, but to get healthier. To hopefully get to a place where I may have enough minerals, vitamins, and healing going on in my body, to decrease the medicine I have to take. I am a diagnosed Bi-Polar w/severe Depression, & Borderline Personality Disorder. Um yeah that's a whole lot of crazy for a girl who used to be an out going, fun loving child. So what happened?

Diet, and hormones happened.

I can't do much about my hormones, but I can affect my diet. Which does help change SOME of my hormonal, and chemical changes. So those are the reasons for me to chose the healthy, organic, way of the Paleo Lifestyle. The immediate benefits just happened to be weight loss for me. Hmmm are those changes that I am going to reject? Yeah right!!

Any who,  I am so pleased to say that one of the things that I have tried to do, is "Paleo it Forward". I believe so much in this lifestyle, I want others to believe in their own health and wellness, to at least try it for 30 days.   It's a difficult commitment to make at first. I know, remember I was in your shoes once. However, I am research hound, and went straight to Google, to find out my alternatives off the bat, before I made any decisions. Happily I found them over time, and built up all the resources that are here in my blog. I am always available for questions as well.

Apparently I have inspired someone to try this lifestyle. She is someone I have admired for many years, and I am honored that she will be working to improve her own health and well being. That I could be that catalyst for her, like she has been for me for so many other things in my life.

I believe that one of the two best articles I ever read was written by Paleo On A Budget, explaining how we can only do what our budget allows us to do. BUT we do the best we can within that budget. The other I will find you when I am home on my own computer. It basically said that money shouldn't over ride the desire to for us to change our habits. We can always alter the Paleo Lifestyle to what we need. I am GREAT with not eating cheese/dairy, it isn't healthy for us, but if after your 30 day challenge you truly want to incorporate an ORGANIC version back in, by all means, find a RAW, Unpasteurized form of cheese, and organic milk as well as butter (Kerry Gold is the best butter I have heard about) to use in your Paleo diet. I basically stick with Almond milk for my Coffee or cooking needs. I also use Turbino sugar, rather than the chemical versions of sweetener. I also still have my honey too.

You just find what will suit your tastes, and budget the best. I usually have a freezer filled with frozen veggies, and meats. I buy on sale, and that way I won't be hungry. Then I can buy fresh fruits, avocados, and keep my almond butter, almond meal, stocked up as I need it.

My two favorite things from Trader Joe's is their Coconut Oil, taste and cost, you can't beat. I have tried about 10 different types of Coconut Oil, but they are my favorite so far. The other is their Almond Meal. I used to grind my own from fresh almonds, but it was more like granulated almonds. The baked goods, and pancakes I can make with Trader Joe's Almond Meal are to DIE FOR!!

Whole Food Market will soon be carrying a line of Paleo Breads, from Julian Bread Company. For now it is only available on-line.

I hope these tips help you in your journey. Please feel free to contact me if you need help or want support on your journey.


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