Monday, November 3, 2014

A long over due realization...

What a crazy year it has been, I can't believe that it has passed so quickly. New roommates, changes with in my job, and mostly the effects of not being Paleo has done to my health and my body.

So my old roommate left like a year to the day. I had a coworker move in a week before, so he has been here just over a year. His best friend was here like all the time, and so they decided he might as well just live here. Ups and downs with that, but I guess all family has those. I can't complain as much as I'd like to, because splitting rent and utilities 3 ways helps tremendously. Just hard when I am a homebody, hermity type person, and they are very social at home.

Changes within my job, well that happens to everyone, changing economics and decreased sales in retail can have that effect. The changes aren't all to my liking, so I have been looking for another job. That in itself is huge if anyone knows me. I don't like living outside my comfort zone much.

Then lastly, my main reason for posting tonight: The changes of my roommates, lack of hours at work, meant I had to change the way I ate. We would pool our money for groceries, for cost efficiency, which meant that I didn't feel right pushing my eating lifestyle on them. Granted one of them grew up in a Gluten free household, but I didn't want to force them to eat like me, I am not their mommas'.

The effects on me, I have a few off and on over the year, but lately things have gotten worse.

  1. Shortness of breath, hard to breathe(SOB)
  2. Swollen feet/legs
  3. Stomach issues/bowel problems
  4. Gas
  5. Restless Sleep Habits(lack of sleep)
  6. Sneezing, profusely after eating anything with Wheat

This is just to name a few.  It sucks because I am having trouble finding clothes I own to actually fit me. My favorite boots, forget it, my legs are so swollen, I can't zip them. Also other physical limitation are happening too. Also I haven't been so sick, or ill since I started being Paleo years ago. Coming back to wheat, sugar, dairy is killing my body. I have tried to see things from other peoples ways of looking at Paleo, it's all in my head, it's a new fad. Unfortunately for me, none of this is true.

At one time back in August, it scared me so much, I went to the emergency room. Chest palpitations, SOB at my age and weight, made me think I was having a heart ache. They found nothing, however I found a huge hospital bill. Lucky me...

I cut out wheat for about 2 weeks, added Fish Oil to my vitamin regimen and felt so much better. I am now looking at 8 weeks later now, and I am even worse that I was back in August. Why? Because I took the easy way, and ate crap. Waffles, pasta, sandwiches, fast food, and TV dinners; because it was inexpensive on my budget and easy to do.

I truly need to get wheat out of my lifestyle, doesn't matter how cheap it is, it is KILLING me. This slow painful death is not my cup of tea. It is a bit hard at the moment to think about exercising, I re-hurt my back at work, which makes even walking a chore at times. I have to consider the future here, I need to get moving again because as I don't do anything to exercise, my back is getting tighter and tighter, the muscles are atrophying and that is a scary thing to me.

The holidays are coming, I do hope that I will feel better soon, and get you all some new recipes up. I have a few that I would like to try that are Gluten Free and I will work to make them Paleo as well.

For now, keep me in your thoughts as I begin my journey back into good health.

Ciao Bella!!

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